Telekinesis 1.0

Telekinesis 1.0

Telekinesis as of version 1.0, lets you pick up vehicles or pedestrians or both and throw them north east south and west and also slam them down via Telekinesis.

Can now select whether to effect pedestrians or vehicles they are both on a toggle and so can select both

Can use pyrokinesis to light nearby Entities on fire

Can Select whether effecting closest Entities

effect everyone within the range (which you can change dynamically)

and can also effect the force of your lifts, slams and pushes πŸ™‚

Hope you enjoy πŸ™‚

To install:
Script Hook V
the LUA plugin

Both of these should go in your main GTA5 folder
and then just Unpack inside scripts\addins folder

Key bindings:
(Menu will pop up above Mini- Map)
Numpad Multiply : Enabled / Disable Powers

Numpad Multiply : Enabled / Disable Powers

Numpad 5: Lifts entitys Up
Numpad 0: Slams entitys down
Numpad 8: Throws entitys in field of effect north
Numpad 2: Throws entitys in field of effect south
Numpad 4: Throws entitys in field of effect west
Numpad 6: Throws entitys in field of effect east
Numpad 1: Pyrokinesis (if peds selected sets npcs in range on fire / if vehicles selected burns npcs in cars)

Numpad 3: Toggles (Multiple Entities effected by Powers)/(Single Closest Entity effected by powers *Range of 60.. ish*)

(Green text for Enable , Red for Disable)
Numpad 7 :Toggle effecting Pedestrians
Numpad 9: Toggle effecting Vehicles

(White text for Selected , Blue for Deselected)
Numpad Divide : Toggles between changing Range and Power (the selected one is white)
Numpad Add: Increases the Value(Range Or Power selected)
Numpad Minus: Decreases the Value(Range Or Power selected)

added so you can change range its max is 60 as that’s the max distance the function will return so for now its max unless i try something else i’ve been thinking off but that’s for another day

added ability to change the force that is applied to entities Max is 100 as otherwise npcs start glitching and just falling over but at 100 its much much much more powerful then before you were using what i think was about power 15 so…..



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FileFile size
zip Telekinesis 1.04 KB

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