ENBSeries V0.492

ENBSeries v0.456 for GTA 5

Vanilla game looks good and have many features included, but for perfectionists there are always something not good yet, so i hope to cover their needs.

Versions of the mod for GTASA and GTA4 were very popular, but GTA5 not at all because people are satisfied with visuals. So for me this version is not primary and add features only when want myself. Technically, there are many things done already, just they gives more attention to details, so not impressive for the most players. I rarely play games which modify, but when was satisfied enough with result of modding, played GTA5 till the end.

Modification do not have graphic preset, by default it’s ugly unconfigured (unless specified in description of version), so you need to download such presets made by users, feel free to visit my forum. Also you can edit parameters to your own taste inside integrated editor (show it by pressing SHIFT and ENTER keys together, by default). You may change shaders as well, check .fx files of the mod in game root folder and in the enbseries folder.

Effects are made (not complete list):
Water tesselation and displacement; foam of the ocean water dynamically changed by vehicle’s collision; dynamic wetness of the ocean beach dependent from water; ambient occlusion for big ranges called skylighting; screen space ambient occlusion and indirect lighting with self intersections, which is form of ssgi; improved reflections for rain puddles and wetness in general in the rain; custom post processing shaders as in other mods of mine; subsurface scattering for characters; detailed shadows for tiny objects; normal mapping shadows as my own invention to make normal maps generate self shadowing; many parameters to tweak sky properties, lighting, colors, particles, etc.

Mod may not be compatible with multiplayers, especially in Windows 10 and was developed for single player game.
Set game video options to DirectX11 mode. Also mod is tested for almost maxed graphics setting, so it may fail to work properly otherwise.


Do not put d3d8.dll or d3d9.dll from ENBSeries to system folder of Windows!!!

Open game folder. You can manually locate it in browser or to open in properties of desktop link to the game.

For injector based versions of ENBSeries, you should setup proper name of game executable in configuration file of ENBSeries, this required to inject in to game process. In most cases, non modified games for which mod is developed, working properly without editing.
Injector version can be installed to any folder, but for better compability recommended to extract to game folder (some files may not work).

For d3d9.dll based versions of ENBSeries, check if game executable (file with .exe extention) is in same folder, some games have binary executable files in custom folders like bin, bin32, system and in main folder only launchers or .bat files. ENBSeries files must to be extracted and placed where game .exe file is or where game .dll libraries, otherwise it will not work. If you can’t find .exe file, perhaps extentions are hidden by properties in OS, just ignore this and put files in game folder for experiment.

d3dx9_26.dll, d3dx9_40.dll, d3dx9_43.dll – required to run ENBSeries, if game won’t start with modification and display error message, download DirectX Runtime from microsoft.com web site, they are not exist in system only for those users, who did not update DirectX several years or did clear installation of OS recently. If you need them, unpack to same folder, where ENBSeries is. Also you can put these files in to system folder of your windows installation.


Do not remove d3d8.dll or d3d9.dll from system folder of Windows!!!

Remove all ENBSeries files. If you don’t remember their names, just remove d3d9.dll file from game folder. If the game use DirectX8 for rendering, then delete d3d8.dll.


Boris Vorontso

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