2x Longer Days (Customizable) [.NET Mod] V2.1

2x Longer Days

A simple script mod that makes the in-game day last twice as long as normal, 1 hour and 36 minutes instead of 48 minutes.

Time Scale Explanation
By default, GTA V’s in-game day lasts 48 minutes, which means each in-game minute lasts 2 real-time seconds. This is used as the default time scale, which has the value 1.
If you want the day to last longer, change the time scale values to something smaller than 1. For example, a value of 0.5 would result in a day that lasts twice as long as the default game day (1hr 36min). A value of 0.25 would result in a day that lasts four times as long as the default game day (3hrs 12min).
If you want the day to go by faster, change the time scale value to something larger than 1. For example, a value of 2 would result in a day that lasts half as long as the default game day (24min). A value of 10 would result in a day that is ten times faster than the default game day (4min 48sec).
If you want the time in-game to pass in real-time, use a time scale value of 0.033. Note that this does not sync the in-game clock with your computer, it simply makes one in-game minute last one real-time minute.

Depending on your computer’s regional settings, you may need to use a comma “,” instead of a period “.” when entering decimal time scales. If the in-game time goes by way too fast, try changing your decimal characters in the ini file.

Script Hook V and the ASI loader (and all prerequisites thereof)
Script Hook V Dot Net 2.1 (and all prerequisites thereof)

To Install
– Place the .vb and .ini files into your “scripts” folder, located in the main GTA V directory. If the folder doesn’t exist, create it.
– Edit the values in the .ini file to customize the settings to your liking.



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zip 2x Longer Days2 KB

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