Non Lethal Stun Gun [.NET] 1.0.1

Non Lethal Stun Gun [.NET] 1.0.1

Why: I feel a stun gun should only stun not kill. I’m sure in real life someone could die from that but not trying to be overly realistic right now. I also ran into an issue where I manually edited my weapons meta only to run into this one mission (it actually became about 3 missions or so) that requires damage to be done. Instead of messing around with the game files constantly, I wanted to provide a scripted approach so people can easily delete the dll instead of editing their game files.

Very simple script that makes the stun gun non lethal.

Basically what it does is grab nearby peds and gets their health. It sets the stun gun damage to 0. From the many times of testing, the visible damage seen in the video is calculated euphoria damage (maybe I can figure out a way to remove that while getting stunned)

It does check to see if you’re on a mission so certain missions like a particular strangers and freaks mission that uses a stun gun will allow to damage the ped to complete said mission. Otherwise it just zaps them.


Tested with and without PDO (Pedestrian Damage Overhaul) and there are some minor side effects.

1. if you have leg injuries enabled, the stun likes to make them trip – change in the ini to lower percentage (I made both legs disabled and did like 10 percent per leg). Otherwise they’re gonna be tripping a lot trying to run away from you.

2. Some Peds kept the health amount set in that ini as well. Not all but I imagine something somewhere is bugging that out or conflicting but they still die to other types of damage, like I said minor and doesn’t really affect the gameplay that much.

The way I wrote my script (either the variable or the ontick is too slow) but when zapping scenario pedestrians they can take a few hits then die. These are the ones that refuse to run away and I’m not quite sure how to handle them just yet but they keep going back to being static pedestrians.

This is an issue because right now, when they get zapped, they technically die but I catch it and give them max hp. Theoretically they should remain alive and once in a while they break free of their scenario and run away (jacuzzi at resort on beach and the food vendor in sandy shores are some of the ones I ran into). Maybe I can run a faster update but don’t know how performance heavy that will turn out.

I think for now its good for lore that theres a small handful that can still die to less than lethal methods.

SHV, SHVDN, tested on game version 1868.0



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