Speed Radar V1.3

Speed Radar

Please edit the ini file, and remove all of the comments. They start with //

Have you been searching for a mod that actually works? Look no further! While many mods have become outdated and non-functional, I’ve taken it upon myself to create my own mod that is still in its early stages but is fully operational.

Originally intended to be an LSPDFR plugin, I decided to take a different approach and utilize the Scripthook method. However, it’s still compatible with LSPDFR for those who prefer it.

This idea still came from some previous Speed Radar mods I have seen. This one just works

Before installing, ensure that you have Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 or later installed. This mod was built using .NET Framework 4.8.1, and you’ll also need to have the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Package installed.

Next, download the latest Script Hook V from GitHub and follow the instructions to install it.

Afterward, download the provided SpeedRadar.dll and place it in the scripts folder along with the SpeedRadar.ini file located within the Grand Theft Auto V directory. If you don’t have the scripts folder, you can create one.

Once you’re in-game, press F5 to enable the mod. A notification will appear to confirm it’s been enabled.

To move the marker, use the numpad 2, 4, 6, and 8 keys. You can also use the numpad 0 key to snap it to the ground.

In addition, the numpad + and – keys can be used to adjust the speed limit. The default speed limit is 60mph, but you can increase it up to 200mph.

Lastly, I’m constantly working to improve this mod, and it will be open source on my Github.

Future Plans:
I’m dedicated to making this mod the best it can be, and I have exciting plans for its future.

One of the main features I’m working on is the ability to change the settings within the mod using an ini file. This will allow users to customize the speed limits and other settings to their liking, providing a more personalized experience.

Additionally, I’m exploring the possibility of adding more features, such as the ability to track and record speed violations or to set up speed traps. These features would provide an even more immersive experience for players.

Overall, I’m committed to improving and expanding this mod, and I’m excited to see where it goes in the future. Stay tuned for updates and new features!


Drunken Cheetah

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rar SpeedRadar7 KB

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