TD Private Security 1.0.9 hotfix

TD Private Security 1.0.2

This mod will turn your Designer Penthouse on Pillbox Hill into a fortress with enough firepower. You can call squad and tough guys. More importantly, in 1.0.2, you can hire your own members. Whether it’s a police chase or a gang fight, they will follow you and never retreat, salute!

Hire People As Members
– The 1.0.2 update allows you to hire up to 5 new members in-game, buy them weapons (melee, light and heavy weapons), and let them hassle around the city with you.

Tough Guys Team:
– Enter your vehicle as passengers: your tough guys will follow you into the vehicle you are driving.
– Pick up guns: they can pick up the opponent’s dropped guns (preferably pistols) and use them in combat. Currently, the tough guys can only pick up pistols and pump shotguns.
– Combat function: After you start a melee/gunfight or when you are attacked by an enemy, they will follow you into battle.

Squad Team:
– A small team of five soldiers will come to protect you. Each of them has unique combat strategies based on the weapons they are using. The turret gunner brings good fire support as you drive along.

Security Team:
– There are some security guards standing guard and patrolling around the apartment. They will return back to their positions after fights.
– Snipers on the rooftop provide you with a large area of fire support covering the neighbourhood.

Press the L button in-game to load the environment first (a few seconds to deploy the security team around the building) and open the menu (Thanks for the menu template from Alexander Blade). In the menu, use NUM 8 to go up and NUM 2 to go down. Press NUM 5 to select, press BACKSPACE or NUM 0 to close the menu.

After the Tough Guys or Squat are dispatched, select them from the menu again to dismiss the team. Right now the Tough Guys team will spawn in front of the player (will be fixed in the future).

To hire a stranger to be your member, press H (Hire) button while aiming at them with a ranged weapon to open the dialog. Then press Y to finish.

It is the same process to dismiss the hired member.

To purchase weapons for your members (followers), press L button while aiming at them with a ranged weapon to open the weapon purchase menu.

Once a new weapon is purchased, it will replace the one they were equipped with under the same category. For example, if your member is holding a machine gun which is a heavy weapon, but you just bought him a combat shotgun, then their machine gun will be removed the next time you launch this mod.

Put the asi file to your GTA5 root directory.

First, you need to install this astonishing Designer Penthouse from BigShaqNOKetchup
ScriptHookV from Alexander Blade
ASI Loader

In the future, you will be able to ask specific members to patrol around or guard a position.
The tough guys will be dispatched in a more realistic way XD
Of course, you can hire a lot more members than just 5 in the coming updates…

Please leave comments here if you encounter any bugs 🙂



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zip TDGang 1.0.9 hotfix380 KB

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