YF-12A Interceptor (working weapons)

YF-12A Interceptor

Did you ever think: yea, the Blackbird is cool and all, but it needs weapon dang it!

Well, this is for those who do think like that. What many people don’t know: Even though the Blackbird is very famous, it was actually the last aircraft to be built in a series of the aircraft starting with the A-12 Cygnus developed by the CIA as spyplane. The A-12 fullfilled the same role as the SR-71 more or less, most significant (visible) difference is that the A-12 was a sinngle-seat aircraft.
The YF-12A was built from the design of the A-12 with the intention of making it an interceptor aircraft armed with long range AIM-47 Falcon missiles. The YF-12A never made it past the prototype stage however and was later used by NASA.
The SR-71A was a further development of the YF-12 replacing the weapon stations with camera equipment for spy missions.

So what exactly has changed on the airframe when compared to the SR-71 mod?

-front looks different. Chines do not extend to the front completely, it has a round nose.
-a stabilizer on the bottom of each engine
-a retractable stabilizer on the bottom of the rear fuselage (it worked like this in real life)
-a pylon at the outer side of each engine
-new markings including different number and USAF roundels/markings
-openable weapon bays next to the front gear (also the ability to shoot)
-non openable weapon bays behind the openable ones

This is an add-on and replaces the SR-71A Blackbird archive ( do not worry, it includes the SR-71 model as well, so you can just overwrite the old archive)

SR-71 pilot suit: SR-71 Blackbird Pilot Suit



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FileFile size
rar Blackbird_Package28 MB

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