Personal Hooker V2.0

Personal Hooker 1.0.1

This mod does what the mods name does, allows you to have a custom made hooker, avaiable in your phone contacts, the mod also supports the use of Addon Ped
mod was requested by user : whocares, this mod was also part of my patreon premium mod list for awhile

drop the Personal_Hooker.dll and Personal Hooker folder file in zip into scripts folder, if you dont have one, created a folder named scripts, drop ifruitaddon2 Dll and folder in scirpts also
install Scripthookv
install scripthookvdontet, all 7 files need to be in your root folder (Where gtav.exe is)
change Reloadkey=none to Reloadkey=Insert in Scirpthookvdotnet.ini
install nativeUI

known issues
Hooker wont spawn at a good location, randomly might spawn on buildings hills, grass instead of footpath, overcome this by requesting hooker multiple times untill they can be picked up from a good location



3.1/5 - (14 votes)

Download mod

FileFile size
zip Personal Hooker Mod FIles (SHVDN3 Patch)191 KB

2 thoughts on “Personal Hooker V2.0

  1. Salut j’espere que tu a eu des reponce depuis, si tu lit le texte au dessus, ou si tu lit le read me tu pourra y voir le chemin d’instalion. ( Déposez le fichier de dossier “Personal_Hooker.dll” et “Personal Hooker” dans le dossier de scripts, si vous n’en avez pas, “créez un dossier nommé scripts”, déposez “ifruitaddon2 Dll” et le dossier dans scirpts installez également
    “Scripthookv” install
    “scripthookvdontet” , les 7 fichiers doivent être dans votre dossier racine (où se trouve gtav.exe)
    remplacez Reloadkey=none par Reloadkey=Insert in Scirpthookvdotnet.ini
    install nativeUI ).

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