Police Tape 3.1

Police Tape 3.1

It’s Los Santos… people get shot, people get run over, things catch fire… and it’s usually all your fault. Eventually, you need to do something to keep nosy bystanders out of your business. Ever wished you could quickly close off a freeway so no cars can get by? Ever wanted to block off the scene of a dead body so that curious pedestrians couldn’t tell who exactly shot them? Perhaps you just want to peacefully do some construction work, but oblivious drivers keep driving into your work zone. Or maybe you’re fighting a fire, and need to stop rubberneckers from wandering into harm’s way.

No matter what you do in Los Santos, Police Tape is here to keep everyone else out of your way.

Featuring dynamic tape with cloth physics that blows in the wind
Aim-and-click tape and barrier placement lets you attach tape to any surface
Built-in advanced traffic control stops even the stupidest San Andreas drivers
Ped path blocking prevents most ambient peds from crossing police lines, while allowing backup, medics, coroners, and suspects to keep going
Full API lets plugin and callout creators add tape to their own scenes
Tape import/export system lets you save your tape and include saved tape scenes in callouts
Tape management menu to delete individual strands of tape and manage traffic control
Customize your tape texture to get different text or patterns
LML support to install scripts and police tape model files, DLC option if you prefer

Join the Parks Benefactor Program to join my exclusive Discord server and get early access to mod updates and new mods like this one! Special thanks to all the members of the Parks Benefactor Program who helped make the development of this mod possible! And a huge shoutout to the Old Faithful level donors who have gone above and beyond to support my modding: AcePilot2k7, magiobiwan, WarriorPatrol, Drixize, Hazmat19, Leo-20446, Marco321132, Mitchell, OfficerB41, PawPaw2014, Proverbs Gaming, ProxiD, REDЯUM, SOCALI, TBLPD911, and swatteam9112004.

KNOWN ISSUE: The tape sometimes droops through the ground, especially when there is not much wind or with longer pieces of tape. User more barriers and shorter pieces of tape to help reduce this effect. This is due to the limitations of what cloth physics can do in zmodeler/GTA V. Version 2.0 adds static tape models which do not sag as an option. You can choose for each strand whether to use static or dynamic tape.

KNOWN ISSUE: If you are having issues with changing the keybindings in the INI not taking effect in the game, add a single blank line at the top of your INI file.

KNOWN ISSUE: You may need to install a modified gameconfig.xml, depending on your version of GTA V. If you already have a modified gameconfig.xml to support add-on vehicles, you should be OK. If you haven’t before and your game crashes on startup after installing Police Tape, you need to install a custom gameconfig. You can use the following LML package to install a compatible Gameconfig file


Oleg for adding cloth physics support to zmodeler 3
alexguirre for RageNativeUI
alexguirre and “Unknown Modder” for help with fragment resizing memory editing
LtFlash for the 3D Marker class (modified by PNWParksFan)
Khorio for help with blocking peds and vehicles from crossing a line
MulleDK and the RPH team for RagePluginHook
PNWParksFan – everything else

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